What is aSTAR?

Stars are used as symbols of divinity, excellence, and mastery because intuitively their celestial bodies remind us of our divine origin and nature of excellence and mastery. Stars remind us of our beautiful, brilliant, and dominant nature.

aSTAR® is the acrogram for a SOUL That ALTA(E)RS Reality with the R.A.E.Y.O. of BLACKSTARConsciousness, related to Asar -the Eternal S.O.U.L. in the ancient African Kamitan (Egyptian) mysteries to introduce a New R.A.C.E. Paradigm (NRP). 

  1.     ALTARS : Respects/Reveres All Things as projections of the Supreme Divine Creator of stars, planets, galaxies, universe
  2.     ALTERS : Influence/Changes Temporal reality, SPACE, and TIME of my world and universe.
  3.     R.A.E.Y.O. : Respect, Appreciate, Empower Yourself, (as) Others
  4.     R.A.C.E. : Respect Appreciation Compassionate Empowerment